kiss me once


You saucy minx!

That’s right pop lovers, Kylie has officially announced the title of her new album as, Kiss Me Once. For about a week now she’s been teasing us with daily updates to her Facebook cover image, gradually revealing more and more of her face. Then it was announced that the album title would take the following format: the first word with four letters, the second with two and the third with four. And that’s when all the gays hit fever pitch, and started trying to unravel the mystery; Kiss My Lips, Feel My Kiss and so on. I on the other hand have a life, so I read all about it and got on with other things.

I will say this; I really like the album artwork, very Sleeping Beauty-esque with Kylie posed with her eyes shut behind the glass. That said, she could’ve just fallen asleep in the shower. And I totally understand why everyone was guessing the album title would have something to do with the lips (if you can’t work it out, I’ll give you a clue; the big, bright red things).

If this wasn’t enough, the new single “Into The Blue” gets aired (officially) for the first time on Monday 27th, but naturally nobody could wait until then and we’ve seen all manner of poor and high quality leaks of the lead track over the last seven days. And no, I’m not going to post it on here, for I have a higher level of respect for Ms. Minogue and her artistry. I will however post any of her other previously released songs for your aural pleasure. In fact, I’ve chosen to post a classic in the form of “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” for this week’s ‘Song for the Weekend’, mainly because she was a bit of a saucy minx in this video too.

kiss me once

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