photo challenge (5/30) – from a high angle

Vertigo describes a sensation whereby the environment around you, feels like it moving or spinning, and not as most think as a fear of heights.  Obviously you may suffer from Vertigo if you also suffer from this fear.  Thankfully, for the sake of taking this photo, I do not.  I did, however, fear that I might drop my camera.  Thankfully, again, I did not.

So day five of this photo challenge brings me to taking a photo – as you may have guessed from the post’s title – from a high angle.  I could have chosen to taken one from the cliff’s edge, but thought against it rather promptly.  Then I took a walk to Westbourne via the Chine bridge, something I walk across perhaps 4 or 5 times per week.  I often see people walking their dogs or enjoying the psychotic pastime of jogging/ running, and think to myself how small these people seem down there.

I know that most photographers would wait beyond patience to have a photograph without people ‘interfering’ in it; I on the other hand would happily wait for people to come into frame.  I can’t say what it is that makes the shot for me, other than the fact that I love the interaction of people within a picture.  You have to admit, that this image may not be as interesting if it were without these people that wandered into frame.  That said, photography is purely subjective, so who am I to question what would make this image better or worse?

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset