photo challenge (18/30) – shoes

A moment alone, one of total isolation can spark a creative flurry. Days like this are just what I need – what I crave.

We ventured out to Portland and Chesil Beach not so long ago, and even with the turning weather, my spirits weren’t dampened. In fact, I’ve never been so inspired.

Shoes aren’t my favourite items in the world, that said, however, I do appreciate a fine pair of brogues. This boot was left alone on the pebbled beach along with many other discarded items. It made me think; was it left behind after a moment of wild abandon or just abandoned?


photo challenge (17/30) – technology

By all accounts you might say I’m a bit of a technophobe, either that or I’m just a bit dumb when it comes to using technology.  When we first switched to Apple products, I used to get tutorial sessions from him before I was allowed to be let loose on them on my own.  I still have to go to him when I’m having issues with my iPhone or iPad – it’s easier and safer that way.  I just feel that the people working in the Apple stores – as friendly as they come across/ are – spout nothing but tech-geek jargon at you, and expect you to know what they are talking about because you have one of their products.

You might think that for someone who lives in the age of technology and is surrounded by, and uses it on a daily basis, I might be a little more adept.  Even my two year-old nephews and niece seem more at ease when using an iPhone than I do.  So for this part of the photo challenge, I thought I would keep the image nice and simple – minimal is good.  Without these items I would be lost and with them I remain lost.
