photo challenge (9/30) – someone you love

This post is likely to be filled with cliché but there are times in life when you just can’t beat a good cliché.  I’m writing this quickly as I have to go to work soon, which is a rather depressing thought considering how nice the weather is today.  It is also one week before we celebrate our eleventh anniversary together.  Where does the time go?!

I’ll tell you where.  The time we’ve spent together has been the best eleven years of my life.  We have travelled across the Atlantic together several times, around Europe and into Scandinavia.  We have laughed and cried, fought and made up again.  In short, the time has been spent loving someone who loves me equally in return.

Here come the clichés.  He is my best friend, my soul mate, my lover.  What we share together is inexplicable, unquestionable and unending.  He pushes my buttons and I push his in return, but one thing always remains – love.
